Saturday, March 22, 2008

Still Great

I don't normally resort to a weekend recap but it seemed appropriate tonight.

  1. We start with a really painful massage...
  2. And move right on to the terrible haircut. There were all these crazy layers on one side but not the other, I finally took some scissors to it and it's better. Not fixed, as nothing will help the back but better.
  3. We end Thursday with some great Tempura and Dynamite rolls with friends.
  4. Friday starts out better, homemade pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.
  5. We go to buy Brad a softball glove and find one for $80, the story turns great though because we went to Walmart right after and found the exact same glove for $45! The expensive one was returned.
  6. Friends came for dinner (really great hamburgers) and lots of Wii (always a good time).
  7. Saturday starts with the discovery that I'm strangely covered in really itchy hives (they've stuck around all day). I can think of no allergies and I haven't switched detergents... thank you Benedryl for keeping the itching at bay.
  8. We played catch in the park with the aforementioned new softball glove
  9. and had a super yummy lunch of chicken salad and croissants.
  10. A trip to Banff for dinner to the Maple Leaf Grille finished off tonight. The risotto was awesome! The chocolate souffle disappointing. Elk is much better than I expected, it was delicious.
  11. Tomorrow will include dinner with Brad's extended family at the Grandparents,
  12. and on Monday we'll eat dinner and chocolate cake with peanut butter icing at the Wiebe's to celebrate a birthday.

There were some definite low points... the haircut, massage and hives stand out but this has been the greatest long weekend. We've gone to bed early and slept in late every morning. I'm dreading work on Monday but refuse to let it spoil the rest of my weekend.

I hope yours was just as great.